Explore my programmes and courses, and how I can help you heal and grow with one to one somatic sessions, mentoring and coaching programmes and training certifications
Trauma-informed Somatic Coaching Programme is a body-focused coaching programme for Women in Midlife
This programme is designed to help you heal and grow, and feel empowered about your body, well-being and life purpose.
In this programme I will help you to Embrace fully who you are right now and the transition period you are going through with peri-menopause or menopause and all changes in your body, life and relationships taking place.
I will guide you to Embody nourishing qualities and self-care habits to help you live your life with more inner connection, reconnect with your self-trust and your soul calling, feel more empowered in your your daily choices and decisions, and easily expereince more vitality and ease.
I will support you to feel more Empowered – as you go through a transition and a shift of perimenopause and menopause – to fully embrace and integrate the Future You in the wholeness of your being – soma, psyche and soul.
For more information click HERE

1-Year Group Mentoring and Coaching Programme
for Somatic Coaches and Teachers, Healers, Yoga Teachers & Therapists, Bodyworkers, Coaches and Wellness Professionals who want to share their passion, expertise and build their own THRIVING, HEART-CENTRED and NERVOUS SYSTEM FRIENDLY BUSINESS
For more information click HERE

6-Month 1-2-1 Mentoring and Coaching Programme
1-2-1 high level support for Somatic Coaches and Teachers, Healers, Yoga Teachers & Therapists, Bodyworkers, Coaches and Wellness Professionals who want to create a profitable and thriving business on their own terms and in nervous system friendly way
For more information click HERE

160-Hr Trauma-informed Somatic Teacher & Coach for Women – Training Certificate
9 Module training with over 112 contact hours
Plus additional support in Bi-weekly Q&A sessions, and on-going support in Monthly Trauma-informed Teachers and Practitioners Community Circle
160-hour Advanced Further Training for heart-centred practitioners – Coaches, Healers, Yoga Teachers & Therapists, Movement teachers, Bodyworkers, Complementary Therapists, Coaches and any other therapeutic practitioners who want to incorporte these tools into their work
For more information click HERE

80-Hr Trauma-informed Yoga & Embodied Resilience Teacher Training + Mentoring (TREY – Trauma Resilience Embodied Yoga & Social Change)
12 live online sessions – each 3 hour long
Plus on-going support in Monthly Trauma-informed Teachers and Practitioners Community Circle
80-hour Advanced Further Training for trained Yoga Teachers & Therapists
Accredited by Yoga Alliance Professionals
For more information click HERE
“After going through a very challenging and painful period in my life, I felt truly blessed to find that Aneta was, quite literally, on my doorstep. I had already been working hard on my emotional health and well-being; having undertaken extensive research on self-healing from emotional trauma AND I am now firmly of the belief that it was I who manifested Aneta into my life.
I signed up for Aneta’s 12 session Yoga + Somatic Coaching Programme in January 2017, and kept returning to work with her after that. Her home studio in Ramsgate is warm, welcoming and extremely calming to the mind, body and soul. These fabulous qualities are simply Aneta, a wonderful human-being. Her knowledge and, moreover, her wisdom is both pure and infectious.
If you are reading this testimonial whilst going through a challenging period in your life (and lets face it, the whole world is right now) then it is time to do something about it. Take 100% responsibility for it and take the action required. Whatever you are going through right now and however hard you may think it is, Aneta has the tools to give you so that you can take the reigns of your life and live it with purpose and joy. Why? Because YOU needs you to AND so does the world”.
Dawn Pepin
“I signed up for the 12 session Yoga + Somatic Coaching Programme on a one to one basis with Aneta in September 2016. I was feeling very tired, I had disturbed sleep, aches and pains and generally felt under the weather. It felt like my body was ageing fast. I was looking for something to get me back on track.
After an initial assessment Aneta suggested small changes each week to my daily routine, some have been easy to adopt like keeping hydrated, and some slightly harder such as doing daily morning check-in and yoga practice. But the changes have been amazing!
Aneta’s positive aura surrounds and calms you as she gently walks you through the programme, and she has this special way of making you believe in yourself and the good in oneself. I am definitely kinder to myself.
I have yet to come across a day that I don’t look forward to our session. I have benefitted enormously from our sessions. Thank you Aneta.”
Elaine Johnson
“Starting 12 session Yoga + Somatic Coaching programme with Aneta was for me the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle to getting my health back on track after a period of chronic health issues. I misguidedly thought that this would just be about stretching and improving my posture – it turned out to be so much more!
It’s been a big light bulb moment in my life and I am so grateful that I found Aneta. For the first time in my life I have learnt how to live in my body and look after and nurture myself without feeling guilty. I still see friends on FB ill and struggling with stress and illness and writing “I hate my body it’s so weak” without realising this is down to their lifestyle choices fuelled by the pressures of modern life and social media.
I now know that a great deal of my chronic illness was down to years working in a stressful job and juggling family life, Aneta has proved to me there is another way to approach life with her unique combination of coaching/counselling and healing and I urge others to try it.”
Melanie Lee
For more lovely words from my students >>> click here for testimonials <<<