Through a Trauma-informed Lens:
Yoga, Embodied Resilience and Business
A 5-day FREE VIRTUAL SUMMIT bringing together 15 practitioners working with yoga, embodiment and business to share their personal stories of transformation and their expertise working with different communities with trauma-informed approach.
Enrollment is now CLOSED
Free Virtual Summit
The recordings to all Summit sessions will be available to purchase shortly

The Through a Trauma-informed Lens Virtual Summit is an invitation to take part in a conversation about how trauma impacts us as individuals and our communities, and how we can move towards more healing and growth.
This summit is built on an understanding that our stories shape who we are and how we support others. And that healing starts with us – our own challenges, our turning points, and the choices we make to heal in our daily lives.
This summit focuses on many stories of transformation and growth, and practices that make a real positive difference in people’s lives. It will show you how you can work with the impact of trauma in different areas of our life and work.
You will be able to participate in live and some pre-recorded sessions led by 15 speakers – each taking part in this summit because they embody what they teach. They ‘walk their talk”. They will share with you their own stories of transformation and healing and how their own personal journey and who they are – profoundly impacted the way they show up and support others.
We cannot effectively build resilient communities if we do not accept that we all need to be a part of this conversation and movement – however big or small. Because every voice matters. Your voice matters.
Every choice we make has an impact – on us, on others and the world. When we make mindful choices and take action in trauma informed and pro-active ways – we can build safe relationships and communities.
And in whatever way you work with others – it could be in teaching yoga and somatic movement, or in your therapeutic or coaching sessions, volunteering or doing front-line work, in delivering trainings or in business growth and development – bringing trauma-informed lens to everything you do will profoundly change how you hold space and interact with others.
Because healing and recovery happens when we can hold a safe space for others not just through our interventions but with the quality of our presence and by embodying qualities like compassion, stability and self-trust.
So join us in this conversation and let’s together build stronger and more resilient communities.

10.00 UK time – Aneta Idczak: OPENING CIRCLE + Trauma-informed Embodied Listening and Somatic Self-compassion for meeting our needs in a resilient and empowered way
12.00 UK time – Deirdre Fay: Secrets of Relational Resilience
14.00 UK time – Shulamit Ber Levtov: Keep your CEO-self in a driver seat for your mental health
Pre-recorded session – Fiona Agombar: Trauma-informed Yoga for Fatigue
10.00 UK time – Jenni Stone: Trauma and Cancer – the impact and ways through
12.00 UK time – Laurent Roure: Breathwork and breathing techniques for Trauma Awareness
14.00 UK time – Anna Kerry: Finding safety and trust within your body after a stroke
16.00 UK time – Daniel Groom: Building resilience around experiences of shame
10.00 UK time – Dawn Wright: How to run an energetically sustainable business
12.00 UK time – Tessa Sanderson: Bittersweet stories of yoga and embodied listening for birth trauma – Taking a whole systems approach
14.00 UK time – Gabi Parkham: Welcoming LGBTQIA+ People in Yoga
Pre-recorded session – Julia Davis: How to Hold Space and Facilitate Sharing Circles
10.00 UK time – Sarah Leather: How Trauma Affects You Making Money in Your Business – Live Session Cancelled because Sarah is unwell.
12.00 UK time – Ron de Brito: Nurtured In The Fertile Soil of Obstacles, We Can Create Compassion, Gentleness and Love
14.00 UK time – Isabelle Griffith: Embodied feminine leadership – How to break up with burnout and thrive in a world that’s always ‘ON’
Pre-recorded session – Aneta Idczak: Trauma-informed Yoga for Embodied Resilience session
10.00 UK time – Aneta Idczak: CLOSING CIRCLE – Reflections & Insights from the Summit and the way forward

Aneta Idczak
Aneta Idczak is your Summit host who will be interviewing all presenters and holding a safe space in the sessions.
Aneta is an experienced Trauma-informed Yoga, Mindfulness and Embodiment Teacher, Somatic Coach, Becoming Safely Embodied (BSE) and Focusing Practitioner, Somatic Bodyworker and TYM Therapist. She is a registered Senior Yoga Teacher and Trainer, and Yoga Business Mentor. Aneta is a Founder of Golden Mandala Yoga-Soma Institute providing accredited 80-Hr Trauma-informed Yoga & Embodied Resilience teacher training as well as Yoga Business Mandala 1-year Group Mentoring + Coaching Programme.
Aneta works with needs-led integrative approach drawing on close to three decades of studying various psychological, therapeutic and body-focused modalities, and her approach is further influenced by 22 years of working in Social Care and in the community with Trauma, Mental Health, Addiction, DV and child protection issues, and training and supervising front line workers.
You can find out more about Aneta’s teacher trainings and business mentoring programmes HERE

Deirdre Fay
Deirdre Fay, MSW, encourages a transformational methodology, allowing our traumas to shift, no longer keeping us from having the life we want. Instead through developing an inner, core structure, recognizing and normalizing our fundamental attachment needs we turn toward what’s more nourishing. With over 30 years of experience as a psychotherapist and educator, Deirdre brings together modern science and wisdom traditions to explore the Transformational Journey of Life which has been called a radically positive approach to healing trauma.
Deirdre’s message resonates deeply with those who may look successful on the surface, but internally feel plagued by shame, anxiety, distress, depression – wondering why they’re stuck in repeating relational life patterns. Her third book, Becoming Safely Embodied (2021) became an Amazon best-seller before it was published now selling over 35,000 copies a year.
You can find out more about Deirdre’s work at www.dfay.com

Shulamit Ber Levtov
Shulamit is the Entrepreneur’s Therapist and co-founder of the Business Therapy Centre. Applying both coaching and therapeutic tools, Shulamit works with women business owners who want to develop, implement and be accountable for their mental health plan so they can set the foundation for sustainable success and show up fully as their CEO-self in their business.
Shulamit has been an entrepreneur for over 27 years and has more than 20 years of professional experience supporting women’s mental health and personal growth. As a Masters-level, registered social worker and trauma therapist, retired Kripalu Yoga teacher, trauma survivor and award-winning entrepreneur, Shula brings a unique perspective and approach to supporting women in business.
You can find out more about Shulamit’s work at www.shula.ca

Fiona Agombar
Fiona Agombar is an author and yoga therapist in the Viniyoga Tradition. She is accredited as an advanced teacher with the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY). She is passionate about campaigning to change attitudes to those with fatigue conditions and describes herself as a Rest Activist. Fiona specialises in teaching yoga for CFS/ME, burnout, stress and long-Covid. She has set up teaching modules on stress and fatigue for Yoga Campus and CPD training for the BWY.
Fiona was a key speaker for Global Yoga Therapy Day in August 2020 and a speaker at the Wellness After Covid Symposium in May 2021. In March 2021 she contributed to the British Council of Yoga Therapy on guidelines for teaching those with long-Covid. She runs successful training for teachers on Burnout, CFS and Long-Covid with Sarah Ryan through Yoga Teachers Forum. Fiona has referrals for long-Covid from a major teaching hospital in the UK. She is the author of Beat Fatigue with Yoga (Cherry Red Books) and Yoga Therapy for Stress, Burnout and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Singing Dragon). She is currently writing a book on Long Covid with Nadyne McKie.
You can find out more about Fiona’s work at www.fionaagombar.co.uk

Jenni Stone
Jenni is a full time practising yoga teacher and reflexologist in North London, UK with 20 years’ combined experience supporting people with cancer with both modalities. She developed and runs the Yoga for Cancer teacher training at the Yoga Teachers Forum, is the resident teacher at Maggie’s Royal Free and co-founder of Women’s Yoga Hub.
Jenni has a lifelong curiosity about the human condition in all its aspects and loves to read everything from human biology and medical research to poetry, philosophy and personal development.
You can find out more about Jenni’s work at www.jennitherapy.com

Laurent Roure
Senior yoga teacher, breathwork and pranayama facilitator, meditation and mental health specialist, and Mental health first Aider. Mentor and trainer.
Laurent Roure is a senior yoga, somatic yoga, breathwork, pranayama, and meditation teacher and trainer based in London and internationally.
Laurent’s meticulous yet relaxed approach to teaching yoga combines elements of the classical and contemporary. Through Hatha and Somatic yoga, pranayama and breathwork, meditation, and yoga Nidra (deep relaxation), Laurent offers a therapeutic and supportive practice suitable for all levels, ages, and abilities.
You can find out more about Laurent’s work at www.yogalaurent.com

Anna Kerry
Anna is a stroke survivor and Yoga teacher who helps other stroke survivors through a trauma-informed approach to recovery.
Anna journey with yoga started 6 years ago when she started her regular practice and fell in love with yoga. At the age of 35 Anna suffered a stroke, which was a very traumatic event.
Due to the trauma she went through she realised she didn’t trust her body and any sensations she had within her body made her anxious that she was having another stroke. She came across a 4-hr taster session on trauma, which completely blew her mind, and she wanted to learn more about trauma and the effects it has on our body. She wanted to be able to help herself and also in the long run help other people who have been through trauma. Anna trained in Trauma-informed Yoga approach and is sharing her inspiring story, knowledge and experience with other survivors.
You can find out more about Anna’s work at www.theikosyoga.com

Daniel Groom
Daniel Groom (He/They) is a yoga teacher and C-IAYT and CNHC registered yoga therapist, who has been practising a wide range of yoga styles since the year 2000.He has studied Yoga Therapy, Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra with leading experts. He has great passion in sharing his knowledge with students and believes whole-heartedly Yoga can help people to achieve their ultimate life desires.
He also offers support mentoring new and established Yoga Teachers and is a Supervisor on the Yoga Campus Yoga Therapy Diploma. Daniel is dedicated to continuing his studies with mentor Lisa Kaley Isley.
Daniel founded the Queer Wellbeing Group in association with Southend-on-Sea Pride which offers a monthly get together for LGBTQIA+ people and is active in the promotion of LGBTQIA+ rights in the UK.
You can find out more about Daniel’s work at www.anahatayogacentre.com

Dawn Wright
Dawn has been teaching yoga for over 23 years now, and have a wealth of experience in how to be a professional, passionate and profitable yoga teacher. She is still there at the coalface, teaching classes, workshops, retreats and running teacher training courses alongside business coaching and mentoring yoga teachers. And for Dawn this is really important so that I am coming from a place where I TOTALLY KNOW the reality of being a yoga teacher and the challenges that you face.
Dawn has been able to use years of working in financial, tax and business management (including yoga studio management) to help her create the yoga business she desires, and because she LOVES to learn, she continue to invest a lot of time, money and energy in updating her knowledge and skills in modern marketing, business planning, supporting technology, and coaching and mindset skills. She is also a professional coach accredited with the Association of Coaching and the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
You can find out more about Dawn’s work at www.dawnwrightyoga.co.uk

Tessa Sanderson
Tessa has an academic background with a PhD in Medical Sociology. She is the author of six books for women and children, and founder of the State of Birth symposium (www.thestateofbirth.com). She has taught pregnancy yoga for 17 years and takes what she learns from supporting parents with perinatal birth trauma into antenatal courses and her role on the local Maternity Voices Partnership to push for change.
You can find out more about Tessa’s work at www.tessaventurisanderson.co.uk

Gabi Parkham
Born and raised in Brighton (UK), Gabi (she/her) has been practicing yoga since childhood.
In the last 5 years, Gabi has been an active LGBTQIA+ equity educator and consultant; leading LGBTQIA+ trainings in various settings including running her own workshops for yoga teachers and other wellness professionals. In 2018 Gabi co-founded Laviot (www.laviot.org), a social and supportive community for LGBT+ Jewish women and non-binary people. Alongside teaching yoga, Gabi also works at MindOut, the Brighton based LGBTQ+ Mental Health Service.
You can find out more about Gabi’s work at www.gabimarkhamyoga.com

Julia Davis
Julia is Founder of Yoga Teachers Forum and is passionate about community support within yoga. She runs training in Yoga Nidra & Circle Holding & Perimenopause Yoga as well as running support circles and mentoring for yoga teachers.
Her yoga practices support the rhythms of womanhood from menarch to post menopause, respecting the vast range of experience of people who experience the menstrual cycle. She believes that a world in which all people are literate in the cyclical nature of women is a world in which the cycles of all life will be respected. Julia is an educator in eco-menstruation, and yoga that honours the cycles.
You can find out more about Julia’s work at www.yogateachersforum.org

Sarah Leather
Sarah Leather is a trauma-informed Business Coach helping women in midlife to get more clients in a wholehearted way.
She has been running her own business for over 30 years. But the first 20 of those were hard work with a 1:1 model of hourly sessions, which led to burnout. Once Sarah invested in her business and learned how to create a successful signature program, everything changed. She created the spaciousness she craved, doubled her income working half the hours, & now helps her clients to do the same in a way that works for them. Sarah runs a multiple 6 figure business from home doing the work she loves. Her signature program is called Wholehearted Marketing where she helps women to create consistent income.
Originally from Australia, she lives in beautiful West Cork in Ireland with her husband, 4 nearly grown-up kids, guide-dog breeder Indi & 3 badly behaved cats.
You can find out more about Sarah’s work at www.thesarahleather.com

Ron de Brito
Ron was born in London to African/ Indian Trinidadian parents and attended Grammar School in Finchley, North London.
She is a Certified Embodied Facilitator, Empowerment and Compassion Coach, Nonviolent Communication Practitioner and she holds Grief Circles. She is passionate about helping people discover compassion within themselves, unearth their inner resources and find ease with being fully receptive to their humanity, in the Wholeness felt in body/mind/ spirit.
She is a former secondary schoolteacher, research biochemist, children’s tutor and she’s a mother. She is in love with aliveness and being a vibrant dot connected to everything in a beautifully interconnected universe.
You can find out more about Ron’s work at www.rondebrito.co.uk

Isabelle Griffith
Isabelle Griffith is an Emotional Resilience & Embodied Feminine Leadership Coach, Trainer and Speaker. She is the creator of The Pause Approach™ and The Soma Leadership™ Method, as well as the founder of The Embodied Feminine Leadership Academy™.
Prior to setting up her coaching and training practice, Isabelle spent 20 years in the corporate world in a variety of roles and sectors. She now specialises in helping women to press pause, reconnect with themselves and have the impact they desire without sacrificing themselves, their wellbeing and their wholeness. She helps them to go from stressed, overwhelmed and burnt out to regaining calm, joy, purpose and confidence.
Isabelle is passionate about supporting women to stress less, live more fulfilling lives, and amplify their impact. Her coaching is insightful, transformational and compassionate because this has been her journey too.
You can find out more about Isabelle’s work at www.isabellegriffith.co.uk
Who is this Summit for?
This Summit is for anybody who wants to learn more about the impact of trauma on individuals and various communities, and practices that support recovery and post-traumatic growth. It’s also for anybody who works with and holds a space for others through their work.
Join us if you are:
- a conscientious practitioner
- Yoga, Mindfulness or Somatics teacher
- Yoga Therapist
- Wellness Practitioner or Holistic Therapist
- Coach or Trainer
- self-employed, business owner or entrepreneur
How does it all work?
When you sign up for our Summit you will receive a Welcome email with a Zoom link to all live sessions.
Every morning from 31st October to 4th November you will receive an invitation email with a reminder of the day’s schedule with a brief description of each session.
In the evening of each day you will receive an email with the links to the recordings of that day’s sessions.
When do live sessions start?
Our daily sessions will follow the same schedule each day with live sessions taking place at 10.00, 12.00, 14.00 and 16.00 – all UK time.
How long will each session last?
Each live session will start with an interview between Aneta and a presenter for about 20 mins, with a presenter sharing their own story of transformation and growth. Followed by a presenter leading their session for about 45 mins. The session will finish with Q & A space for about 15 mins.
We want this Summit to be nervous system friendly and therefore each session will not last longer than 90 mins.
How long will I have access to the recordings?
You will have access to all recordings till Monday 14th November.
Can I contact you with anything to do with the Summit?
Yes! You can contact us directly via email at: anetaiyoga@gmail.com
During this Summit we are unable to offer individual support. Please note that all materials and sessions are intended for educational purposes only and not to treat or substitute any medical support. We recommend that you consult your doctor regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise or movement programme or doing any practices shared. When participating in any exercise, exercise program or doing any somatic practices, there is the possibility of physical injury or being emotionally triggered. If you engage in our summit sessions you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.
If you need support we added below links to some charities that are accessible via phone.
The following are helplines and support networks for people to talk to, mostly listed on the NHS Choices website
Mind (0300 123 3393) is a charity providing advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
Samaritans (116 123) operates a 24-hour service available every day of the year. If you prefer to write down how you’re feeling, or if you’re worried about being overheard on the phone, you can email Samaritans at jo@samaritans.org
CALM Campaign Against Living Miserably (0800 58 58 58) is a leading movement against suicide. It runs a UK helpline and webchat from 5pm to midnight 365 days a year for anyone who has hit a wall for any reason, who need to talk or find information and support.
PANDAS (0808 1961 776) runs a free helpline and offers a support service for people who may be suffering with perinatal mental illness, including prenatal (antenatal) and postnatal depression plus support for their family or network.
Childline (0800 1111) runs a helpline for children and young people in the UK. Calls are free and the number won’t show up on your phone bill.
PAPYRUS (0800 068 41 41) is an organisation supporting teenagers and young adults who are feeling suicidal.
Hub of Hope is the UK’s most comprehensive national mental health support database. Download the free app, visit hubofhope.co.uk or text HOPE to 85258 to find relevant services near you.