Tag Archives: wisdom

Wisdom of Daily Practice – Day 1 – 1/01/2018

Day 1 – 1/01/2018 

Listen to Your Own Insights 

In the morning (1/01/2018) during my practice I had an insight – I simply wondered what ‘real’ impact it would have on my life if I committed to a whole year of daily practice of yoga and loving-kindness – and really meeting myself as I am on my mat.

I already have a regular yoga and mindfulness practice but there always have been periods when I didn’t do my practice. And I certainly did not do loving-kindness practice daily.

I know from my own experience and what my yogi friends told me that it is a common issue. Things happen and life simply takes over. We cut out the things that we think we are not essential and can do without – usually our practice and self-care.

And many of us, including yoga teachers, are feeling tired and burned out.

So join me on this journey through 2018.

You can:
>> join in with your own practice
>> join in a discussion
>> share your wisdom from your mat
>> or you can just witness the journey of others.

Each day I will post a video from my mat with some wisdom and insights from my practice.

Please share the details of the group and let’s have some fun!



anetai lotus