in Ramsgate & Online
Currently all Yoga and Somatic Movement Classes are on hold
Mindful Embodied Yoga + Somatic Movement
Wednesdays 9.15am to 10.30am
Venue: Archive Homestore, 17 Military Rd, Ramsgate CT11 9LG
Dates: 14th September to 19th October 2022 – 6 weeks
CONTACT ME if you have any questions or you’d like to join via
This class is suitable and accessible for all – beginners as well as experienced practitioners.
I teach in trauma-informed and integrative way bringing together yoga and somatic movement with breathwork, mindfulness, embodiment and somatic practices, and working towards wholeness and integration.
And we also stay after our class for a tea/coffee and a cake (because Archive does amazing cakes!).
Tuesdays at 6.30pm, 90 mins, Online via Zoom
Dates for next 8-week course: TBC
This course is designed to teach you practices for nervous system regulation – to help you change connections in your brain and your neurobiological response – easy practices that you can use every day to help you feel more calm, connected, stable and empowered.
We will use a mixture of practices: Trauma-informed yoga and Yoga Therapy for Anxiety, Stress and Burnout, Mindful Embodied Yoga and Breathwork (Pranayama), Somatic movement, Mindfulness, Somatic/Embodied Meditation and Somatic Self-compassion, Yoga Nidra, Focusing (Embodied Listening) and more.
Price: TBC
We will start each session with arriving, checking in and setting our intentions. We connect with each other in a circle – holding energetic space for each other with compassionate acceptance. We then take time for our practice – movement, breath and guided practices. We finish with a guided practice and setting our intentions for the week.
This online course takes you on a journey towards more embodied living with live yoga + movement sessions (only movement sessions will be recorded and shared). Each session will invite you to connect with curiosity with your body, breath and somatic experience to cultivate an embodied felt-sense of different qualities like self-compassion, curiosity, joy, trust, surrender or connection, etc.
This course will help you to connect with your own inner safety and self-compassion to create your own safe inner sanctuary, where practices are aligned with the current seasons and your own natural rhythm as well as your own needs.
Please note this course is not a substitute for therapy or crisis intervention. If you are struggling with mental health please contact your doctor or a local crisis team. Please reach out if you are not sure if this course is right for you.
CONTACT ME if you have any questions or you’d like to join via

This course comes from my training in different therapeutic, movement and healing modalities over last 28 years. I’m registered as Senior Yoga Teacher and Trainer and I’ve been teaching Mindfulness Yoga and Meditation for over 13 years. I’ve been practicing Yoga, Mindfulness and Compassionate practices for close to 30 years. My background is in Social Care, where I worked for 16 years with individuals and whole families with complex needs and experiencing mental health, addiction, trauma and trauma symptoms, chronic health conditions. You can read about me HERE.
You can read all previous testimonials from people working with me HERE.
I train and mentor yoga teachers in how to work with mental health and chronic conditions in trauma-informed approach through Golden Mandala Yoga-Soma Institute.