Author Archives: Aneta Idczak

Wisdom of Daily Practice 2018 – Day 21 – 21/01/2018

Self-care Sunday - My Heaven (1)

Day 21 – For me today is time for self-care ♥

There are some days that doing FB Live video is just not the right choice. I’m taking time for self-nourishment and self-care. Done my 45 mins loving-kindness meditation and 30 mins of gentle yoga in pyjamas and now I’m settling down under my warm blanket with my tea and my book.

Self-care is so important. None of us can run on empty. 
We need time to rest deeply and intentionally. 
We need that time to connect with our inspiration.

What are you up to today? Can you find take some time for intentional self-care?


Aneta ♥

anetai lotus